If you also have nightmares then do these remedies for Vastu, you will get immediate benefits - Newztezz Online


Monday, February 8, 2021

If you also have nightmares then do these remedies for Vastu, you will get immediate benefits

Everybody dreams of a dream while sleeping. 
Sometimes these dreams are auspicious and sometimes inauspicious. Dreams are studied through dream science as well as the dream fruit is also considered. Some of these dreams are so bad that as soon as the dreams come, our sleep opens. It is said in the Agnipuran that if someone falls asleep due to nightmares, he should go to sleep immediately. This has been said because by doing so, that dream is removed from the mind. Nobody remembers the midnight dreams, and with a calm mind, individuals can start their day.

According to the dream scripture, it is said that a man has good or bad dreams according to his actions. But by doing service to Brahmins, a person gets rid of his deeds and his dream defect is also eliminated. Donation to a worthy Brahmin can help avoid the trouble of bad dreams.

It has been said in the scriptures that if there is a Vastu Dosh at your home, then the dream is defect and nightmares occur at night. Actually, negative energy living around the house causes ominous dreams. If you want happiness and peace in the home, then it is very important to keep negative energy away from home. For this you should fix the Vastu of the house and get the Puja Havan etc. done at home.

It is written in the scriptures that when you have nightmares, you should immediately forget them, as well as you should not tell anyone about it. When you tell someone, you will keep thinking about the same thing again and again. Because of which he remains under stress throughout the day.

It has been said in the scriptures that if you worship the Sun God regularly, you do not have nightmares. By offering water to Sun God daily at sunrise, one gets rid of nightmares. This happens because the water droplets that touch the human body when they offer water to the sun god, purify the body and mind of man.

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