Bollywood actor Armaan Kohli has breathed a sigh of relief. The case filed by his ex-girlfriend which was going on for 5 years has now been closed after settlement. Please tell that Armaan's ex-girlfriend Neeru Randhawa had accused Armaan of assault 5 years ago. According to her, Armaan tortured her badly and physically abused her. During this, he had suffered a lot and had 15 stitches. Now after full and final settlement, it has been decided to close this case.
Talking about the case, on Saturday, Armaan Kohli's lawyer Tarak Sayyed and Neeru Randhawa's lawyer Kushal Mor presented the settlement documents in the court and after that the case was closed. Talking about the case, an FIR was lodged against him in the year 2018 at the Santacruz police station. After this there was talk of an agreement between the two for Rs 50 lakh. But in the year 2018, Randhawa again approached the court after the check was dishonoured.
After this, it was told from Kohli's side that he has mortgaged his family's jewellery, even after that he could manage only Rs 30 lakh. Randhawa agreed to a settlement of 30 lakhs and the matter is now closed. Now finally the Bollywood actor has breathed a sigh of relief. Talking about Neeru Randhawa, she is an actress and is also very popular on social media. He has 4 lakh 14 thousand followers on Instagram.
Talking about Armaan Kohli, he has been active in the Bollywood industry for a long time. He started his career in the year 1982 with the film Badle Ki Aag. During this he was a child artist. In the year 1992, he started his career as a lead actor from the film Dushman Zamana. But he got recognition from the film Jani Dushman. He has appeared in films like Veer Kahar, LOC Kargil, Mukka and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo.
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