If you are troubled by the gas produced during pregnancy, then know three effective home remedies - Newztezz Online


Thursday, December 8, 2022

If you are troubled by the gas produced during pregnancy, then know three effective home remedies

Women have gas problem during pregnancy.

Home remedy to get rid of gas is more intake of water.

The problem of gas can also be overcome by herbal tea.

Gastric Problem During Pregnancy – The most pleasant experience in a woman 's life is when she becomes a mother . There is nothing greater for a woman than the happiness of becoming a mother . But before becoming a mother she also has to face many problems . _ _ pregnancy This journey of nine months is not easy and in this sentence a mother has to face a lot . _ Gas is only one problem in this package of problems . _ A pregnant woman has a lot of gas issue , in such a situation , farting somewhere is not enough for her .   Seems embarrassing too . _ Although it is natural for a pregnant woman to have gas , but still she becomes very uncomfortable due to it , so let us know today some tips to avoid gas during pregnancy- _ _

Drink more water

style craze According to this , at least three liters of water should be drunk during pregnancy , due to which the baby growing in your womb also gets sufficient amount of water . Try drinking water slowly with a straw , because while drinking water directly from a glass or bottle , you _ Air can also be inhaled , which will increase the gas problem . _ _

Control of fiber intake in diet :

Where on one hand the problem of constipation is removed from fiber , on the other hand excessive fiber can also increase the problem of gas . In this case , keep the intake of fiber balanced . Banana , dried native plums , figs , linseed seeds and oats to eat during gas There is a good option .

Other Remedies :

While peppermint and ginger tea can solve gas problems by eliminating digestion problems , reducing stress by doing breathing exercises is also a way to avoid gas problems during pregnancy .

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