Save teeth and gums that are getting damaged due to pyuria, you will get relief soon - Newztezz Online


Monday, August 9, 2021

Save teeth and gums that are getting damaged due to pyuria, you will get relief soon

Dental Care: To avoid pyorrhoea, a disease in the gums, it is necessary to take special care of oral hygiene. We will tell you the symptoms and prevention of pyorrhea

How To Deal With Pyorrhea or Periodontitis: Pyorrhea or Periodontitis is a serious disease of the gums. In the absence of information, people do not treat it at the right time and its teeth have to suffer. According to the OramD website, there are many such bacteria in our teeth that gradually start to accumulate around the teeth. They get nutrition from the food we eat and they damage the gums and jaw bone. Because of this, the bone slowly starts to decompose. This condition is called Pyorrhea. If it is not treated at the right time, then pyorrhea spreads rapidly and gradually the teeth start moving. After which there is a need to remove the teeth.

symptoms of pyorrhea

Symptoms include bleeding gums while brushing, bad breath, change in the position of the teeth, red, tender or swollen gums, pain in the teeth while chewing food, bad taste in your mouth, etc.

Why does pyuria happen?

Due to not brushing properly, bacteria multiply in the mouth and form dental plaque. If not brushed off, bacteria over time deposit minerals within the plaque and this frozen mineral is known as tartar. Because of this, the connection between the tooth and the gum breaks down and the problem starts.

due to pyuria  


-Type 2 Diabetes


-Hormonal Changes

-Immune system weakened

-poor nutrition

-Vitamin C deficiency

treatment of pyorrhea

- Scaling Or polishing (Scaling And Polishing ) to remove accumulated dirt on the teeth with the help of the process.

– Oral Hygiene.

- Rinse with 1 teaspoon of salt in lukewarm water.

- use of antibiotics

– Flap surgery.

Tips to avoid pyorrhea

Rinse off at least twice a day.

- Brush twice.

- Quit smoking.

Use fluoride toothpaste.

Eat food rich in fiber daily.

Get a dental checkup done by the dentist once a year.

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