Non-drinkers may also have fatty liver problems, know the causes, symptoms and ways of prevention - Newztezz Online


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Non-drinkers may also have fatty liver problems, know the causes, symptoms and ways of prevention

The problem of fatty liver is a product of our modern lifestyle. 
This causes swelling in the liver of patients who are suffering from it, due to which there are problems like flatulence, bad breath, and weight loss and indigestion. Some people believe that the problem of fatty liver is due to drinking too much alcohol, but this is not true, many times the problem of fatty liver is also due to the wrong diet. If it is not treated in time, then this problem can take a serious form.

According to experts, there are two types of problem of fatty liver, alcoholic fatty liver and non-alcoholic fatty liver. Alcoholic fatty liver problems are caused due to excessive drinking or consumption of other drugs, while non-alcoholic fatty liver problems are considered to be obesity, high blood sugar, PCOS, and poor diet.

These symptoms come to the fore

In the condition of fatty liver, due to the accumulation of fat in the liver, it swells and slows down the functioning of the liver. In such a situation, the body is not able to digest the fat present in the food. This causes symptoms of loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness, tiredness, bleeding from the nose, itching in the skin, yellowing of the eyes and skin, abdominal pain, swelling of the abdomen and feet, chest enlargement in men.

This is danger

It is very important to be serious about whether fatty liver is non-alcoholic or alcoholic. If it is not treated properly in time, there may be a problem of liver cirrhosis, which can later take the form of cancer.


Make a distance from these things

1. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol or any other drugs altogether.

2. It is also not good for fatty liver patients to consume too much salt. Excess intake of salt causes excess water to accumulate in the body, which can be harmful for fatty liver patients.

3. Fatty liver patients should avoid consuming sweet things. Avoid toffee, chocolate, artificial fruit juice, soda, etc.

4. Fatty liver patients should not consume white bread. Due to this there is a possibility of increasing the amount of sugar in the blood. It is also a bit difficult to digest.

5. If you are troubled by the problem of fatty liver then you should not consume red meat and beef. It contains high amount of saturated fat which can increase your problem.

6. Fatty liver patients should not consume oily, fried and junk food as they contain more fat and calories.

Here's how to protect

1. Get into the habit of exercising regularly. Apart from this, after taking food everyday, definitely take a walk.

2. Get into the habit of eating light and digestible food. Avoid outside junkfoods, fast food items, sugar drinks and more greasy gourmet food.

3. Make a habit of eating whole grains, green vegetables, fruits and salads. If the weight is more then reduce it.

4. If you are suffering from fatty liver problem, take the medicines given by the expert on time and follow his instructions.

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