There are many benefits of offering water to the sun god in the morning, know the right way of offering arghya - Newztezz Online


Sunday, February 21, 2021

There are many benefits of offering water to the sun god in the morning, know the right way of offering arghya

The tradition of watering the sun in Hinduism is very old, which is still practiced today. 
Devotees offer arghya to the sun god every day. In the scriptures also, giving water to the Sun God has special significance. It is said in the astrological scriptures that in order to strengthen the weak position of the sun god in the horoscope, water should be offered daily to the sun god. There is also a scientific importance of offering water to Lord Surya. Let us know what things should be kept in mind while giving water to Lord Surya. Also about its scientific and religious importance.

Importance of astrology

Worshiping Lord Surya on Sunday is considered auspicious. Arghya is offered to Lord Surya on this day and worshiped with the help of law. It is believed that by offering water to Suryadev daily, the position of the sun in the horoscope remains strong.

According to astrologers, if Saturn is defective in the horoscope, its effect is reduced by offering water daily. Apart from this, there is also an element of water in the Moon, when we offer Arghya to the Sun, not only the Sun but also the yogas formed from the Moon are particularly active in the horoscope.

Scientific importance of offering sun

While giving water to the Sun, every drop acts as a medium which works to remove all the viral substances present in the atmosphere. By offering arghya to the sun everyday, our bones get stronger. Sun rays are very beneficial for our health.

How to give water to the sun

In the morning, after getting up and taking bath, Sun God should be offered water from a copper vessel.

Before offering water to Sun God, offer water with a pinch of red color and red flowers.

While offering water to the Sun God, you should chant Om Surya Namah 11 times.

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