Excessive consumption of tomatoes can cause gallstones, along with many other ailments - Newztezz Online


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Excessive consumption of tomatoes can cause gallstones, along with many other ailments

Tomatoes are very beneficial for our health and it is also believed to benefit the skin a lot. Tanning on the face can be removed with red tomatoes. Red tomatoes contain antioxidants. Which protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. Excessive consumption of tomatoes, which is beneficial for the face as well as enhances the taste of food, also proves to be harmful. It causes many diseases and problems.

Excessive tomatoes will cause this damage

  • Eating too much tomato every day can cause gallstones. Tomatoes contain calcium and oxalate, which are abundant in the body and cannot be easily excreted, and when they accumulate in the body, they begin to form kidney stones.
  • Tomatoes contain bacteria called Salmonella, which can cause diarrhea.
  • Tomatoes cause Lycopenodermia, which increases the amount of lycopene in the body and causes skin discoloration. Lycopene is good for the body but only if it is sufficient.
  • Eating more than 75 mg of tomatoes a day can cause harm. Excessive consumption of tomatoes can cause joint pain. Swelling can also be seen with this.

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