Sugar or maple syrup, what is more healthy to feed to the child? - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Friday, May 10, 2024

Sugar or maple syrup, what is more healthy to feed to the child?

Maple Syrup: The use of maple syrup as an alternative to sugar is increasing significantly. Maple syrup is made from maple trees and is naturally sweet in taste. It is considered very beneficial for small children compared to sugar.

Sugar i.e. refined sugar lacks nutrients and is rich in calories. This is the reason why most parents include maple syrup or honey instead of sugar in their children's diet. The use of maple syrup as an alternative to sugar is increasing. Maple syrup is made from maple trees and is naturally sweet in taste.

Pure maple syrup is rich in antioxidants and nutrients, due to which it is considered very healthy for children. However, due to its high sugar content, most parents hesitate to include it in their children's diet. Let us know whether maple syrup should be fed to small children and what are its benefits.

Can maple syrup be fed to small children?

Maple syrup is considered more beneficial than honey for small children. Maple syrup is prepared directly from maple trees and does not contain botulinum spores like honey. Actually, these elements present in honey make it harmful for small children. At the same time, at what age to feed maple syrup to small children, you must consult the pediatrician once.

Maple Syrup Nutrients

Small amounts of iron, zinc and magnesium are found in maple syrup. Some types of phytochemicals are also found in it which are beneficial for the health of children. However, if you are including maple syrup in your child's diet, then make sure that it does not contain any kind of adulteration or additive sugar. Whereas pure maple syrup is rich in anti-oxidants which make it even more healthy for children.

Keep these things in mind while giving maple syrup to the child

To know the right time to include maple syrup in your child's diet, consult a good pediatrician. Most parents include something new in their child's diet only after one year of age. If you are buying maple syrup for a small child, then first pay attention to its label. If it contains anything that can cause harm to the child, then do not include it in the child's diet.

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