committed suicide by hanging
In fact, Bhojpuri actress Amrita Pandey was found dead under suspicious circumstances on Monday in Divya Dham Apartment located at Adampur Jahaz Ghat in Bhagalpur Jogasar police station area. Saree's noose around the neck, mobile and other material have been recovered from the spot. According to the police of Jogsar police station, some people informed in the evening that a woman had committed suicide in the apartment. As soon as the information was received, station in-charge Krishna Nandan Kumar Singh, SI Rajiv Ranjan and Shakti Paswan reached the spot. On reaching there, I saw Amrita's dead body lying on a bed. The family members told the police that at around 3:30 in the evening, her sister went to Amrita's room and found Amrita hanging. Amrita was quickly brought down and rushed to the hospital where the doctors declared her dead.
The last WhatsApp status is in discussion
Before dying, Bhojpuri actress Amrita Pandey's last status on her WhatsApp was written, "Her life was on two boats, we made her path easier by sinking our boat." Family members told that Amrita's sister Veena got married a few days ago. Everyone had a lot of fun on Friday night. What happened suddenly that made Amrita take such a big step? Amrita was married to Chandramani Jhangad, a resident of Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, in 2022. Amrita's sister Veena told that she was very worried about her career. Due to which she had gone into depression and was also undergoing treatment.
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