Why turmeric is applied to bride and groom in marriage, 99% people do not know the reason.... do you know? - Newztezz Online


Saturday, April 1, 2023

Why turmeric is applied to bride and groom in marriage, 99% people do not know the reason.... do you know?

There is a tradition of applying turmeric in marriage. In this centuries-old ritual, turmeric is applied to the bride and groom before marriage, but why it is done, very few people know it.

Haldi Rasam: There are many types of programs in the marriage function, but Haldi Rasam has its own importance. The tradition of applying turmeric in Indian weddings has been going on for a long time. In this ritual, turmeric is applied to the bride and groom before marriage. A paste is made by mixing sandalwood, flower petals and water in turmeric and this is applied on the face and body of the bride and groom. But have you ever thought why this is done. Why is this ritual performed? If not, then let us tell you today why turmeric is applied to the bride and groom before marriage.

Scientific reason

Turmeric cures skin problems

Turmeric is very beneficial. It has antibiotic and anti bacterial properties. It is applied to the bride and groom before marriage, so that their skin problems can be removed. 

Turmeric brightens the face

Applying turmeric brightens the face, the skin becomes clean. Actually, turmeric cleanses the dirt accumulated on the skin and increases its shine. When this color is applied on the bride and groom, then the beauty increases.

Helpful in relieving fatigue

Due to work at the time of marriage, there is a problem of excessive fatigue and headache. Turmeric can get rid of these problems. That's why turmeric is applied to the bride and groom before marriage.

Religious reason 

Worship of Lord Vishnu with turmeric:

In Hinduism, Lord Vishnu is worshiped in auspicious work. Lord Vishnu is also worshiped on the occasion of marriage. Turmeric is used in worship because Lord Vishnu loves turmeric.

Turmeric Symbol of Good Luck:

There are Hindu beliefs that turmeric is a symbol of good luck. That's why it is applied to the bride and groom before marriage. It is believed that auspicious results are achieved by performing this ritual.

Removes negative energy:

In marriage, the negative energy has to be removed by applying turmeric to the bride and groom. So that they do not get evil eye and stay away from all kinds of negativity. 

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