Sex during pregnancy: Know what is truth and what is lie? - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Sex during pregnancy: Know what is truth and what is lie?

In the second trimester of pregnancy, both blood flow and secretions increase. Because of this, the amount of love hormones also increases.

Most people think that sex should not be done during pregnancy , but this is not true. Of course, in the first trimester, you may not feel like getting close to your partner due to fatigue and nausea. But during the second trimester (3 to 6 months) the vomiting usually stops and you start feeling better than before. Love hormones (oxytocin) start increasing in your body. Actually,  pregnancy In the second trimester of pregnancy, both your blood flow and secretions increase. Because of this, the amount of love hormones will also increase. This whole process is also called Chadwick (Chadwick). During this, swelling starts in the vagina and the lubricant (lubricity) also increases. In such a situation, it starts to feel like being intimate with the partner. However, there is a lot of talk about sex in pregnancy in which there is no truth. Dr. Shilpita Shanthappa tells you about the same myths that you believe to be true: 

Myth 1 - Having sex during pregnancy can harm the fetus.
Truth - During pregnancy, the vagina stretches itself and becomes a little bigger. For this reason, a heavy layer of mucus accumulates on the outer side of the uterus, due to which the baby remains safe inside the uterus during sex.

Myth 2 - after sex Labor Pains rise seems
true - it's true that the present prostaglandin in some measure limiting, that because you have a little pain could. Synthetic prostaglandins are also given during delivery so that you feel pain and the baby can come out. But the amount of semen prostaglandin is very less, that is why the question of labor pain does not arise.

Myth 3 -Bleeding after sex means miscarriage or damage.
Truth - Due to the sensitivity of the uterus, some blood may come out after sex, which is normal. But if the bleeding is excessive then talk to the doctor immediately. 

Myth 4 - Having sex during pregnancy can cause vaginal infection.
Truth - If your partner does not have any sexually transmitted disease, then you do not have to worry. In such a situation, just keep yourself clean too. 

Now you must have understood that there is no harm in having sex during pregnancy, but these benefits are there:-

1. It strengthens your pelvic muscles. 
2.Sex during pregnancy improves blood circulation.
3. It boosts immunity.
4. Sleeps well. 
5. And, this keeps the love between you two.

That's why don't be afraid to have sex during pregnancy. If you still have any questions, then definitely consult your doctor.  

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