Know whether you can travel by train on a ticket booked in brother's name, know in detail - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Know whether you can travel by train on a ticket booked in brother's name, know in detail

This question is in the mind of every person who travels by train. 
Many times it happens that tickets are booked in the name of some other person in the family, but due to some reason his journey does not take place. Some other person in the house wants to travel on that ticket, but is unable to do so because the ticket is not in his name. What can he do in such a situation and what are the rules.

Talking about the rules, you can travel comfortably on a brother's ticket, provided that you should have complete knowledge of the rules and regulations of the railways. Revway also allows such travel. Now the question is, in which of the counter ticket or e-ticket, a person can travel on his brother's ticket? According to the Railways, travel can be done on both types of tickets. There is no compulsion like counter or e-ticket for this. However, the Railways has put some conditions for this, following which one can travel on the brother's ticket.

who can change name

For this, the passenger will have to change the name on the first ticket. That is, the name of the person who has to travel by rail will have to be registered. Only a member of the family can do this work. The right to change the name or to register your name will be given to the person of the family only. Only the person who has a blood relation can get the name changed. For example, if there is a ticket in the name of parents, siblings, husband and wife or children, then you can get it changed and got it done in your name. Change the name and you can travel on that ticket by writing your name. You have to take care of men and women. If there is a ticket in the name of a woman, then only a woman from the family will be able to travel by changing her name. The same is the case with men as well.

what to do for the trip

Suppose the sister is married, then she cannot travel on a ticket in the name of any woman of her house. This rule is only for inside the family. If the sister is not married and has a ticket in the name of another sister, she can travel by changing her name. Now it is not that if you have to travel on brother's ticket, then speaking to TTE will work for him. Whether you have a counter ticket or an e-ticket, you will have to meet the Chief Reservation Officer at your nearest reservation counter. Necessary documents will also have to be carried for this. These officers will issue a ticket in your name. With the help of this ticket, you will be able to travel comfortably in the train.

don't waste your ticket

Very few people know this rule. Due to this reason, no member of the house is able to travel on a ticket in the name of any family member. If this rule is known, then the ticket will not go waste and people willing to travel will be able to use the ticket. This rule has become even more important in today's time because big money is deducted on cancellation of tickets. If there is a time constraint, many people cannot even cancel the ticket. The best way to avoid this is to change the name on the ticket 24 hours before the date of travel and enjoy the journey comfortably.

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