World Brain Tumor Day 2021: These 10 symptoms indicate brain tumor, do not ignore any kind of headache - Newztezz Online


Monday, June 7, 2021

World Brain Tumor Day 2021: These 10 symptoms indicate brain tumor, do not ignore any kind of headache

World Brain Tumour Day 2021: Every year on 8 June, World Brain Tumour Day is celebrated in the world. On this day, efforts are made to spread awareness related to tumours. 

Brain Tumor In

this disease, brain cells start growing in an uncontrolled way. Many types of health problems start in such people.

Brain Tumor Day Celebration of

Brain Tumor Day started in the year 2000. The celebration of this day was started by the German brain tumor association Deutsche Hirntumerhilfe.

Brain Tumor Symptoms

In this, a person has many problems. Some of the early symptoms according to experts are-

Pain in different parts of the head. This pain occurs in a pattern.

Gradually this pain lasts for a long time. Sharp pain arises.

Vibration in the body means trembling of the body without any reason.

Trouble keeping body parts in balance.

Numbness in any part.

Severe headache. Not getting relief even after taking common medicine.

Vomiting for no reason, nausea.

Difficulty speaking and hearing.

Muscle spasms are felt when there is a brain tumor. Fainting may also occur.

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