Rare! Dogs of this color have been found in Russia, and everyone is amazed to see them - Newztezz Online


Monday, February 15, 2021

Rare! Dogs of this color have been found in Russia, and everyone is amazed to see them

species of dogs are found around the world They all differ from each other in color, form. Samanyarite black , dogs are found in colors like brown, white. But have you ever seen a blue dog? A herd of blue dogs was recently spotted in Russia. Everyone is amazed to see these dogs.

Blue dogs are found in Dzerzhinsk, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia. The locals are amazed to see the condition of some Awar dogs. The skin of these dogs has turned completely blue. Forbidden, the color of the dogs has turned blue due to a chemical reaction. These pictures were taken by a person near the Dzerzhinskoye Orgsteklo plant. Which was a large chemical production facility producing no hydrocyanic acid and plexiglas. But, it closed about 6 years ago.

What caused the dogs to turn blue?

In this case, the manager of the chemical plant says that this did not happen because of his plant. However, they have claimed that the dog may have been exposed to the chemical copper sulphate. The cause of the discoloration will be investigated soon by examining the dogs. Pictures of these blue dogs are going viral on social media. Which people are annoyed to see. And reacting on their own.

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