Why did ICMR call canned juice a sugar solution? How dangerous for health - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Why did ICMR call canned juice a sugar solution? How dangerous for health

In the last few years, the trend of drinking canned fruit juice has increased in the country. Its craze is seen more among the youth. But ICMR has not said that this type of juice is good for health. Let us know about this from health policy expert Dr. Anshuman Kumar.

ICMR on Packaged juice: The trend of drinking packaged juice has been increasing in India for the last few years. Many brands of fruit juice are being sold in the market. People buy and drink them with great enthusiasm. But now ICMR has said that packaged juice is not good for health. ICMR has said that artificial flavors are added to packaged juices instead of fruit juice, so that they taste like fruits, although they do not contain fruit juice, but they may contain a lot of sugar.

Packaged juices are easily available. People buy them from shops and stores. It is claimed on the packs of such fruit juices that they are very good for health. Seeing this, people drink them. In urban areas, people prefer to drink packaged juices. But this kind of juice can spoil your health a lot.

Canned juice is an expensive poison

Health policy expert Dr. Anshuman Kumar says that many types of flavors are added to canned juices. They are sold in the market as natural. But they contain artificial sugar. Which is not good for health. Sugar corn syrup is added to canned juices to bring the taste of fruits. This type of juice contains fructose. It harms the health of the liver. Nowadays, many people are suffering from fatty liver problems. Even small children are becoming its victims. Canned juice is also a major reason for the increase in the problem of fatty liver.

Dr. Anshuman said that drinking packaged juice can cause the risk of type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, heart disease, dementia, brain fog and even cancer. This juice is a kind of expensive poison which is purchased. Which harms health in many ways. In such a situation, people are advised to stop drinking packaged juice. No one should drink such packaged juice. If you drink it for a long time, then the body can become home to many diseases.

The sugar present in packaged juices increases the risk of insulin resistance which can later lead to diabetes. To increase the shelf life of this juice, many types of chemicals are also added to it. These can also be dangerous for health. Dr. Anshuman says that eating fruits is more beneficial than juice. In such a situation, try to eat fruits and not drink juice. Fruit juice is not good for health.

Why is the trend of drinking canned juice increasing

ICMR has said that the labeling done on food items and fruit juice attracts the attention of the customers. This makes them buy such products. Canned juice is easily available and people think that it is healthier than fruit juice, but according to the labeling, fruit juice does not contain nutrients. Canned juice does not contain anything like what is written in the labeling. In such a situation, people are advised not to think that juice is very beneficial by looking at good labeling.

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