If you do plank exercise for 5 minutes everyday, you will get not one or two but many health benefits - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Thursday, June 6, 2024

If you do plank exercise for 5 minutes everyday, you will get not one or two but many health benefits

Plank Exercise Benefits: If you want to reduce your hanging belly, then definitely include plank exercise in your daily routine, but you will get the benefit of any exercise or diet only if you follow it daily.

With the changing lifestyle, we have to take special care of our health. For this, it is necessary to have a proper diet and proper exercise. But you will benefit from this only when you include it in your daily routine. Most people have a habit of making a routine but are unable to follow it for a long time. Due to this, they do not get the desired result, due to which they also stop exercising. Whether it is exercise or yoga or taking a healthy diet, you will see the benefits of all these only when you follow it every day at a fixed time.

Plank exercise is considered effective in reducing weight. People adopt different methods for weight loss, whereas instead of this, five minutes of plank exercise can prove beneficial for you. But for these benefits, you will have to include plank exercise in your routine every day. Let us know what are the benefits of doing 5 minutes of plank exercise.

1. Mood remains relaxed

If you do plank exercise for five minutes every day, it keeps your mood relaxed. Not only this, if you feel irritable all the time, then you should definitely do this exercise every day. Actually, by doing this exercise, many stiff muscles get relaxed, due to which stress also reduces.

2. Belly fat is reduced

If you want to reduce your hanging belly, then definitely include plank exercise in your daily routine. But for this, you will have to follow this exercise not for a day or two but for the whole month, only then will you see its benefits. Doing this exercise puts pressure on the abdominal muscles, which reduces belly fat.

3. Muscles become stronger

This exercise proves to be effective in reducing fat from every part of the body, not only this, doing this exercise daily strengthens the body and also increases flexibility. Along with this, by including plank exercise in your routine every day for a whole month, you can see many changes.

Learn the right way to do plank exercise

1.First lie down on your stomach on the yoga mat

2. Apply pressure on the feet and toes while keeping the body in a straight line

3. Come into the plank posture, during this you have to keep your body in a straight line

4. After this, lift the body up and hold this position for at least five minutes.

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