Fighting is common in any relationship. But if the fight escalates too much, your happy relationship gets spoiled. Due to frequent fights, insecurity can create a place in your partner's mind. Let us know the reasons due to which your happy relationship deteriorates.
Any relationship lasts for a long time only when efforts are made from both sides to make it work. It is common for couples to fight and have ups and downs in the relationship. The basic mantra to make any relationship successful is to support each other. For a happy relationship, it is important that the wall of trust between you both is strong. If there is even a slight crack in it, the relationship becomes weak. At the same time, some people keep doubting their partner again and again, due to which the relationship often becomes weak. Many times the fear of losing your partner becomes so troubling that it becomes the reason for your insecurity. Increasing insecurity in a relationship can destroy your happy relationship. Let us know why insecurity makes a place in relationships.
Find out if your partner is insecure by these symptoms
1. If your partner doubts you again and again without any reason, then understand that he is feeling insecure about the relationship. You should sit and talk to them about this and remove their fear. 2. If your partner is jealous of your achievements, then understand that he is becoming insecure. In this situation, your partner may also forbid you to meet your friends. 3. If your partner starts trying to control you, then understand that he is becoming insecure. In this situation, they will start stopping you from going out or talking to anyone.
This could be the reason behind being insecure
1.Breaking trust
If you lie to your partner again and again, a day will come when they will catch you red-handed. In such a situation, it becomes difficult to rebuild trust. After getting cheated by someone or after breaking a relationship, a person often becomes insecure.
2. Past not being good
Many times it happens that the person for whom we have given all our time leaves us and goes to someone else. It is very difficult to get out of this situation. Due to such past experience, a person starts feeling insecure.
3.Frequent conflicts in relationship
If you keep fighting with your partner again and again, then it may come to your partner's mind that perhaps you do not want to live with them. If you want to keep the relationship intact, then you should remain silent during the fight and later when your partner's mind is cool, talk to him and resolve the fight.
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