Nowadays it is the era of online shopping. Be it clothes or groceries, everything can be ordered in one click sitting at home. Since good discounts are also available online, it is in trend. But one person had to go through a bad experience of online shopping when along with the groceries, the company also delivered such a disgusting thing that you cannot even imagine. When this information reached people through social media, they too were stunned.
Obviously, now you must be wondering what was the thing that created so much ruckus. The matter is of Blackburn, England. Here 55-year-old Smith had ordered groceries online by spending Rs 15,000. But when he opened the delivered packet, it smelled so horrible that he ran away and stood away. It is alleged that the bag contained a large amount of human excreta. Not only this, when Smith opened the other packets, the same disgusting thing was packed in them.
Angered by this, Smith immediately called the delivery company and asked them to clean up the mess in the house immediately. After this he became adamant that he now wants a refund and not a replacement. The surprising thing here is that despite all this, it took a long time for Smith to get the refund.
After the matter came to light, the health inspector was called to investigate the delivery company. At the same time, the company says that the feces found in the packet is being investigated. He has fired the delivery boy from his job on the basis of suspicion.
This is not the first case when people have lost their senses after opening the delivery packet. Last year, the remains of a stranger were delivered to a man in Brooklyn. At the same time, instead of a brand new shoe, a TikToker was delivered a smelly and broken shoe stained with mud.
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