BSF soldiers celebrated Independence Day on LoC, said - We are lucky, we have the responsibility of protecting the border - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

BSF soldiers celebrated Independence Day on LoC, said - We are lucky, we have the responsibility of protecting the border

Jammu Kashmir:
Border Security Force (BSF) jawans celebrated Independence Day near the Line of Control in Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir. The commanding officer unfurled the national flag.

Independence Day: On August 15, Border Security Force (BSF) personnel celebrated Independence Day on Tuesday (August 15) in a remote area near the Line of Control (LoC) in Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir. The Commanding Officer of the battalion unfurled the national flag and the soldiers raised patriotic slogans on the occasion of the country's 77th Independence Day.

Commanding Officer Mohammad Israil said, “Our battalion is stationed along the LoC with three army divisions. We are fortunate that we have been given the responsibility of protecting the country's borders and we are very proud of it. I want to assure my countrymen that they are safe. The enemy cannot come inside (the country) while we are alive. 

Level of vigilance increased on the Line of Control,

Inspector General of BSF Kashmir Frontier Ashok Yadav said that the level of vigilance has been increased on the Line of Control before Independence Day to thwart the nefarious designs of the enemy. Yadav said, “Whenever there is a national event, the threat level increases. The BSF deployed with the Army on the LoC is performing its duty with vigilance. We ensure that there is no infiltration from across the LoC. We plan patrols and ambushes in such a way that all sensitive areas are covered and no terrorist activity takes place. We have stopped many infiltration attempts by running some good operations. 

Many infiltration attempts were prevented by running the operation.

The BSF officer said that as the snow melts on the mountain passes of the LoC, the possibility of infiltration also increases. He said, “When the snow melts, the risk of infiltration increases. The apprehension of danger increases and in this season we see more infiltration attempts. Based on the intelligence inputs received from our partner agencies, we along with the Army plan our operations accordingly and ensure that we foil all infiltration attempts. 

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