Personal Loan New Rule: Before taking a personal loan, know the new rule of RBI, otherwise it will be difficult - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Personal Loan New Rule: Before taking a personal loan, know the new rule of RBI, otherwise it will be difficult

If you are going to take a personal loan or credit card loan from the bank, then first of all get a good knowledge about its rules. Because RBI has made new rules for such loans.

If you have taken a personal loan or are planning to take a personal loan or credit card loan. So now you will not be able to take personal loan or credit card loan easily. Because RBI has made new rules regarding personal loan or credit card loan, due to which it will be even more difficult to take personal loan or credit card loan. So far, customers have been getting loans easily from banks. The process of which was very easy but now it will not happen. Because the process of taking personal loan or credit card loan has become even stronger.

According to the new rules of RBI, now it is not easy for common people to take personal loan and take credit card loan. Because now before giving such loan, the background check of the customers will be done by the banks. Only after this, consideration will be given to giving loan to the customers. Let us tell you that earlier the bank did not do background checks of the customers before giving the personal loan. Nor was there a need to pledge much goods. But now there has been a big change in the rules.

Why did RBI make new rules

According to the new rule of RBI, now customers will need a guarantee to take a personal loan. Due to the simple process, the trend of taking personal loan and credit card loan has increased rapidly. Along with this, the number of defaulters of such loans has also increased rapidly. In these loans, guarantees were not taken from the customers, so the banks were facing huge losses. But now RBI has made a rule that first of all the financial condition of the customers will be checked for personal loan or credit card loan. So that the rapidly increasing number of defaulters can be reduced.

Know what the figures say

After the Corona epidemic, the common people have turned to personal loans and credit cards the most. Because they are available quickly and its process was also very easy. The year 2022 saw the biggest jump in the number of personal loan borrowers. Which had increased from 7.8 crores to 9.9 crores. Not only this, the number of people taking loan through credit card also increased from 1.3 lakh crore to 1.7 lakh crore.

Getting a personal loan will be difficult

In February 2023 also, there has been an increase in the number of personal loan borrowers. In view of rising inflation, RBI realized the possibility of increase in the number of defaulters in the coming time. Due to which the central bank has made the rules of personal loan and credit card loan stricter by making a new rule. Due to which it will be difficult for common people to take personal loan or credit card loan. For this, common customers will have to go through many processes.

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