Those people who have the habit of staying awake till late night, they should change this habit now. Because this can cause many types of dangers in the body.
Do you also have the habit of staying awake late at night? Do you have trouble sleeping at night and spend the whole night on the phone or watching TV? If your answer is yes, then the alarm bell has rung for you. Actually, we are saying this because the danger of early death is hovering over the people who stay awake at night. It has been claimed in many studies that waking up at night is like inviting many diseases.
It has also been said in the study that people who have the habit of waking up at night, there is a risk of death in those people at an early age. Experts have also discovered the reasons due to which the precious years of life of people who wake up in the night can be reduced. Experts say that people who wake up at night do more smoking and alcohol intoxication than during the day, which proves more fatal for the body.
Secret of death revealed from data
Researchers have said this after looking at the data of about 23,000 twins. All these twins had participated in the Finnish Twin Cohort Study from 1981 to 2018. Out of this, 8,728 people died. When the death data was analysed, shocking information was found. It was found that people who wake up at night are 9 percent more likely to die than those who wake up early in the morning.
However, a relief thing has also been told in this study. People who stay awake at night and do not take drugs, they are not at risk of dying early like this. But the reason for the death of people who stay awake till late night and drink alcohol is intoxication.
What did the authors of the study say?
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health is located in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. Christer Hublin from here has written this study. He said in a statement that the risk of death in a person who wakes up till night increases mainly only when he consumes tobacco and alcohol in large quantities. This study has been published in 'Chronobiology International: The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research'.
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