More use of social media is a 'slow poison' for mental health, big disclosure in research - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

More use of social media is a 'slow poison' for mental health, big disclosure in research

Social Media and Mental Health: The excessive use of social media has destroyed many mutual emotional aspects and also gave rise to many types of deep mental anguish. 
Meanwhile, researchers from Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, conducted a research on the increasing use of social media platforms and found out how much this change has affected human life.

A total of 642 adult people were included for the research.
Due to excessive use, people also start having an emotional bond with social media.

Social Media and Mental Health: Since the Corona epidemic, the use of social media has increased manifold. The use of digital world has made a huge impact on our health as well as our lives. With the imposition of lockdown during the Corona period, people became more inclined towards social media and due to this social distance started increasing.

This sudden change affected our lives. The excessive use of social media has destroyed many mutual emotional aspects and at the same time gave rise to many types of deep mental anguish. Meanwhile, researchers from Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, conducted a research on the increasing use of social media platforms and found out how much this change has affected human life.

medical news today The research was led by Julia Brylosavskaya, an assistant professor at the university's Center for Mental Health Research and Treatment. Research revealed many things

The impact of social media on mental health The
researchers said that mental health depends on two interrelated aspects - positive and negative aspects. Medical News Today discussed this study with psychiatrist Dr. Sheldon Zablo. On mental health, Dr. Jablo cautioned that excessive use of social media weakens interpersonal bonds and can have a negative impact on a person's mind.

Experts believe that some limits should be set in social media. People need to be made aware of the need to limit the pleasure that comes from its use. Along with this, it is also important to know that apart from social media, what other means do we have with which we can feel the same kind of happiness that we get from the use of social media.

How exercise benefits the brain
Psychiatrist Dr. Jablon said that exercise is mostly recommended in any kind of mental illness. If a person does not exercise, it is said that without exercise the medicine will not work properly.

Dr. Zablo said exercise increases the production of neurotransmitters, the brain's "natural antidepressants and anti-anxiety molecules." Due to this mental health remains fine, but on the other hand, excessive use of social media hinders mental health.

Dr. Brelosvskaya
and her team argued that those who spent more time in physical activity reported a decline in negative mental health outcomes than those who spent more time on social media.

Apart from this, the researchers also expected to reduce the stress and smoking behavior caused by Kovid-19 from their experiment. A total of 642 adult people were included for the research. All these people were divided into 4 groups.

There were 162 individuals in the social media group, a physical activity group of 161, a combination group of 159 and a control group of 160. At 2 weeks, the social media group reduced their daily SMU time by 30 minutes and the PA group increased their daily physical activity by 30 minutes. The combination group applied both changes, while the control did not change its behavior.

The emotional bond created by social media
Dr. Brelosvskaya and her team concluded that their intervention helped people significantly reduce the amount of time they spent with social media. Along with this, research also revealed that the use of social media also creates an emotional bond with him.

However, one of the biggest drawbacks of this study was the diversity. The participants for the research were all young people, women, Germans and highly educated people. Dr. Merrill said that if this research is repeated with more and more diverse people, it will be very interesting and the results may be similar.

Staying Healthy in the 'Era of Digitalization'
Dr. Brelosvskaya's research suggests that making mental health more convenient by making small changes to social media and physical activity can help enhance our mental health.

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