What is Safe Time to Have Sex, When There Is No Fear of Pregnancy! - Newztezz - Latest News Today, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Latest Sports News


Sunday, August 15, 2021

What is Safe Time to Have Sex, When There Is No Fear of Pregnancy!

Most people 
use contraception to avoid 
unwanted pregnancies . These include methods such as condoms, contraceptives, copper-T, etc. Of these, condoms are the most commonly used to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Because it is the cheapest and most convenient. But, there are some people who want to have sex without protection.

The question that definitely comes to the mind of such people is when is the time to have sex without a condom (unprotected sex) and there is no fear of pregnancy. In this article you will find the answer to this question.

What is the ideal time to have sex without a condom? (Best time to make physical relationship without condom)

Experts say that of course the chances of getting pregnant around periods are very low. But still there is no guarantee that having sex without a condom during this time is absolutely worry-free. Women can become pregnant on the second day after menopause. According to the NHS, the biggest reason behind this is that a man's sperm can stay in the uterus or fallopian tube for 5 to 7 days. If the ovary produces an egg in a woman's body during this time, then there may be a chance of pregnancy.

For example, suppose a man and a woman have sex on the second day of menopause. This is called the fourth or fifth day of the menstrual cycle. After this, the male sperm can live in the female body till the 10th or 11th day of the menstrual cycle. If a woman's ovaries release eggs before her scheduled time, the woman may be more likely to become pregnant. You can track a woman's ovulation period (egg production time), but you can't tell the exact day.

How to know the time of ovulation?

The following methods are used to find the time of ovulation in women. But still the exact day can never be predicted. This is because the duration of a woman's menstrual cycle is constantly increasing. Let us know about some popular methods of ovulation.

Method 1-

It is believed that the female body lays eggs 12 to 14 days before the start of the next period and these eggs survive for 12 to 24 hours. There is a high probability of getting pregnant at this time. However, the date of the next period can only be estimated, the exact day cannot be said.

Method 2-

Its symptoms can also be used to determine the time of ovulation. When a woman's ovaries lay eggs, some symptoms appear in the body. Such as increase in basal body temperature (body temperature at rest), thickening of cervical mucus, symptoms of PMS, etc. If these symptoms appear inside a woman, it means that the ovaries are laying eggs. Which can live up to 12 to 24 hours.

Method 3-

The calendar method can also be used to detect ovulation. Which is more effective. In this, you have to track your menstrual cycle for a minimum of 8 months and a maximum of 1 year. In this, the first day of menstruation is considered as the first day of menstruation and the first day of the onset of the next menstrual period.

You write or track the first day of your period and the total number of days in your period for a year.
After this, from the one year data of Period Tracker, write the menstrual cycle with the least days and the menstrual cycle with the most days.
Now subtract 18 days from the short menstrual period to find the first day of the period of probability of ovulation. Then comes the first day of your ovulation period. For example, if the shortest cycle is 27 days, 18 out of 27 will be reduced to 9 days.
After this, after 11 days from the longest cycle, the last day of the ovulation period will come. For example, if the longest cycle is 30 days, 11 days will be reduced to 19 days.

Thus, if we take the example given above, the egg is likely to be released from the 9th day to the 19th day after the start of the period. If you have sex without a condom outside of it, you are less likely to get pregnant.

The information provided here is not a substitute for any medical advice. It is being given for educational purposes only.

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