Fever is a process of temporary change in body temperature. When the body temperature rises above normal and feels hot when touched, then such a condition is called fever.
Normal Fever Temperature: Body temperature changes due to many reasons. Body temperature can increase in conditions like change in weather, infection, after vaccination. When this temperature is high, then it is called fever. Many types of problems occur due to fever. Many times the body temperature increases suddenly. In such a situation, is there any need to worry or is it normal, let us understand...
what is fever
Fever is the process of change in body temperature for some time. When the body temperature rises above normal and feels hot when touched, then such a condition is called fever. Fever can also be caused by the reaction of the immune system. Usually this happens due to some infection.
what body temperature is not fever
In our country, a healthy body temperature is estimated at 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas in countries like America it is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Although this temperature may vary from person to person. If the body temperature is up to 96-99 Fahrenheit, then it is considered normal. There is a slight increase in body temperature even during the day. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fever occurs when the body temperature reaches 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or more.
When should one worry about fever in children?
1. According to the report of Mayo Clinic, if a child's body temperature is more than 103 degrees and is not being reduced by medicine, then one should not be careless. The child should be taken to the doctor immediately.
2. If the child is less than 3 months old, he should consult a doctor if the temperature is more than 100 degrees.
3. If the child's fever is not reducing even after 48 hours of vaccination, then do not delay in going to the doctor.
4. If the child is not able to eat and drink and is not able to urinate, he should also consult a doctor.
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