Cyanosis: Do not take the blue spots on the skin lightly, may increase the risk in future - Newztezz Online


Sunday, July 25, 2021

Cyanosis: Do not take the blue spots on the skin lightly, may increase the risk in future


Know About Cyanosis: Blue spots on the body can be a sign of serious health hazards.

Cyanosis Everything You Need To Know About This Bluish Skin Disease:  Sometimes a bluish spot appears on the body and disappears on its own after a few days. Usually it comes from the appearance of injury etc. But it can also happen That you are a victim of Cyanosis. Actually, the color of the blood lacking oxygen in the body becomes blue and when it enters the skin, it becomes the cause of any diseases related to lungs, heart and circulatory system.  Helthsot said, come fainting due to lack of oxygen in addition to these spots in Saynosis, may not be conscious for a long time and so on. Not only this, if it is not treated, it can lead to seizures, brain stem reflex, even brain dead. Actually cyanosis can be said to be a sign of some problem in the body.

What are the four types of cyanosis 

1. Peripheral cyanosis in which your extremities are not getting enough oxygen and this can happen due to low flow or any injury. 

2.Central cyanosis in which your body is getting less oxygen due to abnormal blood protein or low oxygen status.

3. Mixed cyanosis is a combination of peripheral and central cyanosis and both of them occur together.

4. Acrocyanosis occurs when the body becomes too cold and blue marks appear around your hands and feet. In such a situation, the body needs heat immediately.

not negligent in such circumstances

are -If you have respiratory disease, such as patients with asthma or COPD long .

Have pneumonia.

-Severe anemia or decreased red blood cell count.

There has been an excessive intake of certain types of medicines.

Have come in contact with a poison such as cyanide.

Raynaud's syndrome means that the blood flow to your fingers or toes has become constricted.

The body temperature is decreasing due to hypothermia or extreme cold.

What to do if you see symptoms of cyanosis,

go to the doctor immediately. They will treat the cyanosis based on the test. For this, they may examine your heart or lungs with imaging scans, such as X-ray, CT scan, ECG etc.

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