This is the best time for sex in the winter season - Newztezz Online


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

This is the best time for sex in the winter season

There is no set time for sex, but in a cold environment, sexual desires are so overwhelmed by the outside temperature that even sexual desire is suppressed. 
So follow these tips so you can enjoy sex in winter.

After taking a shower

If you are shivering from the cold in winter, you don't even think about sex. This is why take a shower with hot water. So that the body temperature will rise to normal which will not let your sexual desire die. You can also enjoy shower sex with your partner if you wish.

An hour after going into the blanket

After covering the blanket, let the body return to normal temperature. Give your body an hour to do this. Enjoy foreplay and kissing in the meantime. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation.

After work out

Levels of the hormones adrenaline and dopamine, which generate the feel good factor in the body, increase after a workout. At the same time the body temperature also rises. Hence the pleasure of this state sex experience of the body in cold.

After a meal

It is said that women experience more sexual pleasure, especially when their stomachs are full. Having sex after a meal in winter is great because the physical process that takes place during dinner or lunch raises the body temperature. Sex can be enjoyed when the body is warm.

Morning sex

Morning sex will not only give a romantic start to the day but will also increase the pleasure level due to the warmth of the body.

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